
You go Girlfriend!.......

Wow! What a difference a day makes! The weather here on the south coast is great today, blue sky, sun and a breeze. Ideal drying weather in fact. I've managed to put my washing out today without having to make a mad dash down the garden when the heavens open! And I've mowed the lawn too! If I'd left it another week it'd have been a veritable jungle. It's been so wet, if I'd done it sooner I'd have bunged up the mower. It'll probably be chucking it down tomorrow.
Well, as promised here is a card I made using the fab new Teen Scene Paper Doll cart. There are both girl and boy images on this cart, in several different poses. I love this sassy image. There is another image on the page with her wearing a long dress but I'll show you that one another time.  All of the dolls are created from 4 layers although you can leave out one layer ( for the whites of the eyes- I just adhered a scrap of white card behind the eyes as it seemed a waste of white cardstock to cut out a whole body). Then you just cut out the clothes, shoes and accessories and Bob's your uncle! A fab teen figure! For this sassy lady I used glittercard for the dress shoes and bag. I added a little blush to her cheeks with some chalk, then blinged her up. The card base is a standard DL and the papers are Christmas Me To You from last year- they were perfect for this card. I added a panel to the centre of the card, then adhered the finished figure to it with her feet along the bottom edge of the card. The sentiment- You go Girlfriend!- was computer-generated then adhered to a scalloped oval. I finished the card with a bow, single bloom and some extra bling.
Carts used:
Teen figure- Teen Scene Paper Doll
Scalloped oval- Elegant Edges
Thanks for dropping by!
Heather xxx

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