
Australia, here we come!.........

Well, we had a lovely time in Wales at the weekend. We went to say goodbye (for now!) to our very good friends' youngest daughter Rhea who is off to Australia with her boyfriend Phil tonight. They are both doctors and are going to work in Melbourne for a year. There will be buckets of tears at Heathrow tonight that's for sure!
I made this card for them, and I have to say I was chuffed with it! I bought the Phrases cartridge a few weeks ago and couldn't believe it when I saw this Australia cut in the handbook! The phrase above the 'land mass' cuts as 'Australia Day' , but I didn't want that, so I cut off the 'day'. I cut Australia and both phrases from textured cardstock. The layout was very simple and I used earthy colours, using paper from DCWV and threw in some turquoise to represent the ocean. I added a silver aeropane and an Aussie flag downloaded from good old Google Images (always a great image scource for crafters!) printed onto matt cardstock and cut out. All of the elements were adhered with foam pads. I finished off with some glitter on all of the turquoise areas.
Carts used:
Australia land mass & 'Australia'- Phrases
Aeroplane- Going Places
Here we come!- Base Camp
Flag downloaded from Google Images
Thanks for dropping by!
Heather xxx

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