
Fillagree tree......

Here's the other card made from the Trim The Tree seasonal cartridge, and I can tell you this cut was trouble! I tried glittercard (didn't want to know!) several times I tried mirri card (didn't like the curly-wurly bits!) and had to use a brand new mat (grrrrr!) to get a usable cut. Then the blackout didn't look right- the left hand side of the tree towards the bottom didn't match the right hand side. At first I thought that the cartridge was faulty 'til I looked at the leaflet that came with the cart- it was missing on that too! Well I didn't like it like that and quite frankly couldn't think why it should be like that. So I adhered the blackout anyway and added a piece of mirri to the 'missing' portion then cut around it so that it matched! Now I'm happy with it. I added some red gems to the stars on the cut then adhered it to the embossed panel (the card base is made in exactly the same way as yesterday's by the way) with foam pads.
Carts used:
Tree- Trim The Tree Seasonal cart
Thanks for dropping by!
Heather xxx

1 comment:

  1. I recently purchased this cart and wasn't really sure what or how to use it. Thanks for the inspiration!
