
Jon & Kitty

My boss' son Jonathan married his sweetheart Kitty back in August. They had a very striking colour scheme of blue & yellow, so I made them an equally striking (IMHO!) card.
The card is 8" square and I used gold card and blue and white pearlised card for matting, the punched edges and for the filigree heart in the centre of the card. The white panel was embossed and a pearl added to the cross-over points in the design. The heart was cut from blue card then adhered to a scalloped heart. A separate heart was cut for the centre and embossed before adhering. I added gold ribbon, a yellow rose and a pair of wedding rings. The heart was finished with gold pearls.'JON' & 'KITTY' was cut from blue card with gold shadow and adhered with foam pads.
Carts used:
Filagree heartwith scalloped layer- Victorian Romance
Heart in centre- George
JON & KITTY- Sophisticated
Thanks for looking
I am hosting a Swarm at Jendenink Craftworks in Fareham tomorrow, and I'd just like to let the ladies who are attending that I'm afraid the dreaded 'C' time has come so you'll need to bring Christmas papers, ribbons etc. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow
Heather xxx

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