
Another Wedding!....

On 25th August we were in Stow-On-The-Wold for another wedding. We stayed in The Unicorn Hotel, a lovely, quaint and very creaky hotel....

...and the wedding on Saturday was at Temple Guiting Manor a beautiful old mansion in the Gloucestershire countryside...

..and here are the bride (Izzy) groom (Rohit) and Rohit's proud Mum and Dad Nimmi and Gopal.

On Sunday there was an Indian wedding ceremony so I had to dress up in all my Indian finery! That's me in the middle in the purple sari with my friend Mary and her beautiful daughter Menai.

The ceremony was held in a Mandir, a canopied area...

..and here is Izzy in her wedding sari being led to the Mandir by her brother who will give her away to her husband.

Married at last!

Here are Mary and I during the reception. That's Jasmine  in our hair and the scent from it was divine!
I'll show the card that I made for them tomorrow. Thanks for visiting today!
Heather xx

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