
Wedding bells!......

My nephew Daniel got married on Saturday! After two years of planning it all went off fabulously well. We had a great time! Here are my two handsome sons in their finery!

Daniel and his beautiful new wife Sarah.....

Daniel and his sister Terri who was his BestWoman (yes, there is such a thing!) She did an absolutely amazing job, and her speech at the reception, which was in the form of a poem had us all in fits!!

Terri's delightful daughters Chelsea (7) and Holli (3) were bridesmaids...

along with Sarah's cousin and best friend.

The wedding car was a New York Taxi cab (and a surprise for Dan). Dan & Sarah got engaged at the top of the Empire State Building in New York, so the wedding was New York themed. Sarah booked the cab and managed to keep it a secret all this time!

This gorgeous cake wasn't a fruit cake, but chocolate and vanilla sponge!

Our table was the Central Park table. Dan and Sarah decorated all the bowls and also individual wine glasses for the guests to take home.

Relaxing at last, the new Mr. & Mrs. Lakin

Dan and Sarah took dancing lessons so that they could impress us all with their first dance, which was, not surprisingly, 'Empire State of Mind (New York)' by Alicia Keys. They were amazing! They stayed up all night because they were being picked up at 3am this morning for their flight to their honeymoon destination of Mexico. They must have slept like logs on the 'plane!
Have a lovely life together Dan & Sarah!!!
I'll be back tomorrow with the card that I made for them.
See you later and thanks for dropping by!
Heather xxx

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