
Ride A Cock-Horse......

 I've got a couple of kiddie's cards for you today. I just love these two rocking horse images, I've used them lots of times before, and they are especially fab when you put them on Papermania springs so that they really rock!
The card bases are C5 Z-fold and the papers are Me to You 'Spring Chic' with a little gingham thrown in for good measure. Both images were cut from glittercard and adhered with a spring to a picot edged panel on the front of the card. Both panels were trimmed with ribbon.
For the inside of the cards, I cut another panel slightly smaller than the one on the front. The verses, 'Ride a Cock-Horse' and 'Horsey, Horsey, don't you stop' were computer generated onto Safmat, cut out and applied to the panels, which were then adhered to the inside of the cards. Some Card Candi complete the cards.
Carts used:
Picot-edged panels- Elegant Edges
Girl on horse- A Child's Year
Boy on horse- Nursery Rhymes
Thanks for dropping by today!
Heather  xxx


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