
You're worth it!....

I tried a newish fold the other day (for me anyhow!) This fold is as old as the hills, but I've never made a card with it that I liked. It's easy to do, just tri-fold a piece of A4 using a score board. Then (if you want to use a punch on the edge) measure about 1/4" from the top corner of the middle panel to about 3 1/2" UP from the bottom edge on the 3rd panel and cut a diagonal line with a craft knife. Then punch the edge away- the 1/2" that you left at the top prevents the punched design going onto the back of the card. Then fold concertina-wise and decorate. This was the first one I made, and I nearly didn't finish it, but I persevered and I have to say I really like this one! I've also adapted the fold to make a standard C6 card from a piece of A2 card and I'll be showing you those over the next few days.
Back to today's card though.
I used an MS punch along the edge, then cut Papermania Summer Bloom papers to fit the panels and to create a border across the front of the card. and also on the back panel (not visible in the photo) I cut 3 flutterbies from pink glittercard in differing sizes, decorated the largest one with pearls then adhered them to the card.' You're worth it' was cut from glittercard, cut apart because it wouldn't fit the space, then re-assembled onto white cardstock and cut out by hand. Sparkly ribbon, pearls and a layered bloom complete the card.
Carts used:
Flutterbies-Indie Art Solutions
You're Worth It!-Calligraphy Collection
Thanks for visiting today and a special Hi to my Aunty Prim and all her crafty friends! The template for the shuttercard is on it's way!
Heather xxx

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