
Step up and celebrate!.....

This was my 2nd attempt at a pop-up stepper card and I have to say that I LOVE this card. The colours are very elegant-black, gold, champagne. In fact, the paper is from the Elegance A4 pack by Papermania. It's beautiful paper, shimmery and silky!
I used 2 patterns for this card along with champagne-coloured pearlescent card and gold cardstock. I cut the shaped panel from champagne card, embossed it, then adhered it with foam pads to a gold mat. The champers bottle was cut from black mirri with gold label and neck-cuff.' Moet' was created with rub-ons and I think that it looks pretty good! The bottle was adhered to the shaped panel with foam pads. A velvety black bloom with a gold rose and a trio of punched gold leaves was adhered with silicone to the corner of the panel. I sprayed the rose with adhesive then dunked it in some gold Glamour Dust.Two champagne flutes with gold gem bubbles and glittery bows were adhered to the side panels, and 'Celebrate', cut from champagne card with a gold shadow was adhered to the narrow horizontal panel, over more gold ribbon. A couple more shimmery gold ribbons & some gems complete the card.
Carts used:
Shaped panels- Winter Woodland
Champagne bottle, flutes & 'Celebrate'-Simply Charmed
Thanks for visiting!
Heather xxx
p.s My new 'Nifty Fifties' cart came this morning! Oh Boy! Will I have fun with THAT!

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