
A Castle for Amy....

One of the Girliez next door had a birthday on Monday and this is the card that I made her. It's what I call an 'extended easel'. What is that you might ask? It's simply a standard easel card, but it has a 'step' on the front which was just a piece of card scored twice @ 1 1/2" intervals with 1/2" extra for fixing, giving a mountain fold extension to the front of the card. The card was then decorated as normal. I used Honey & Hugs papers and some Dovecraft Back To Basics papers. I cut a shaped panel topped with a smaller panel cut from sky print paper by DCWV and flower print paper (Honey & Hugs) to create hills. A fairytale castle was cut from white glittercard with pink turrets, then adhered with foam pads to the panel. The little princess was cut from a piece of very old Dovecraft paper then adhered, again. with foam pads.
'Amy' was cut from pink glittercard and adhered to the extension over some very pretty glittery white ribbon. 'Happy Birthday' cut from glittercard was adhered to a scalloped embossed oval and adhered to the card base with foam pads to create the 'stop'. A sprinkling of mini Prima flowers, some pink pearls and a corner flower arrangement complete the card
Carts used:
Shaped panel & 'Amy'- Winter Woodland
Fairytale castle- Paper Doll Dress Up
Scalloped oval & 'Happy Birthday'-A Child's Year
Thanks for looking!
Heather xxx

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