
Happy 70th, Mum!

It was my lovely Mum's 70th birthday yesterday (her first without my Dad) and we threw her a surprise party on Saturday. Emotions were running high, as you can imagine, but she came through and thoroughly enjoyed it, as did we all. I must thank my bro Nick, my lovely SIL Lisa & my niece Lauren for arranging it all!! Well done guys!!! This is the card that I made for her (sorry the lighting is a bit off!...and I took the photo in a hurry!) This is my first attempt at an easel card. How easy are they to make?!! I shall certainly be making some more! Sorry peeps...another obsession coming on!! I used Basic Grey paper to cover the front of the card and a piece of the same paper to trim the bottom of the base part of the card. I used two colours of Bazzill cardstock for matting & layering. I added satin ribbon to the front of the card along with '70' cut from a contrast paper and shadowed with pink Bazzill. The numbers were decorated with layered flowers & pearls, then glittered. As a stop I cut a scalloped circle which was also a base for the 'with love...' sentiment. I cut 'Mum' from pink Bazzill and shadowed it with green. As a finishing touch I used the waste flowers from the punched piece to decorate the green Bazzill panel.
Carts used:
'70' & scalloped circles- Winter Woodland
Mum- Beyond Birthdays
Sentiment Circle- George
Thanks for dropping by today!!

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