

Here's a very simple card for a little boy (or girl if you change the colours & sentiment inside!) The layout is very simple using papers from MME Magnolia collection. The plain card panels were edged with Fiskars Threading Water (????!!!) punch. I added ribbon but unusually for me NO flowers- well, I suppose a boy card can do without flowers! I cut out the little boy on the old-fashioned rocking horse (does anyone remember the film Mandy with Mandy Miller?- there was a very chilling scene in that with a rocking horse like this one!) adhered it to the white panel with foam pads & added 'giddy-up!' underneath. I decorated the inside as shown.
Carts used:
Boy on horse & Birthday boy- A Child's Year
Giddy-up!- Lyrical Letters
Thanks for looking!
ps This is my last post for while as I'm off to Portugal for a week!

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